إليزافيكا CER-100
كولاجين سيراميد طلاء بروتين العلاج 100 مل

إنه علاج للكولاجين الخنزير الذي ساعد في الوقاية من الضرر
وإمدادات المغذيات للشعر التالفة من الصباغة ، دائمة
وتصفيف الشعر المتكرر ، ليتم قطع.
المستخلصات العشبية ستساعدني على تخفيف التوتر وتحفيز فروة الرأس
للمساعدة في المرونة ونعومة الشعر في المكون
يحتوي على بروتين من المطاحن المائية والأحماض الأمينية الحريرية ،مثل هذا الجلد الكولاجين من خنزير.

كيف تستعمل
بعد الشامبو ، قم بإزالة الرطوبة على شعرك ،ثم يرجى تطبيق هذا البروتين على المنطقة التالفة.
بعد 5 ~ 10 دقائق ، يرجى غسله بالماء الدافئ.

العلامة التجارية: إليزافيكا
السعة: 100 مل
المنطقة المستهدفة: الوجه
نوع الجلد: جميع أنواع البشرة
الحالة: 100 ٪ جديد تمامًا مع المربع الأصلي
بلد المنشأ: جمهورية كوريا

Citation Image Copyright Statement

All images featured on this website are either sourced from the respective brands' websites, edited by our team, or taken by our photographers. Images sourced from brands' websites are used in accordance with their terms of use and are the property of their respective owners. Edited images undergo significant modifications by our team to suit our platform's requirements. Original images taken by our photographers are the exclusive property of DODO GLOBAL INC. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any images on this website is strictly prohibited. For inquiries regarding image usage or copyright, please contact legal@dodoskin.com

Authenticity Statement

We certify that all products offered for sale on our platform are sourced directly from authorized distributors of genuine Korean beauty brands. Our commitment to authenticity ensures that every product you purchase is guaranteed to be genuine and of the highest quality. For further inquiries regarding product authenticity, please contact us at hi@dodoskin.com.

Customer Reviews

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Based on 7 reviews

This stuff makes my hair feel like silk! I never thought any product could make such a big difference in the way my hair looks and feels. My hair is shiny and my split ends have improved a huge amount. A little bit goes a long way with this stuff, so it is a good value too. I would absolutely recommend this, and i will definitely buy it again.

Angie Y.

I've been buying this product for the last 2 years and I've seen improvement in growth and I really love this product. I've tried argan oil, shea moisture, and macadamia products but this one is the best and most affordable.


Because i use anti dandruff shampoo, it really dries out my hair but after using this treatment, it makes my hair all nice and soft. With a nice shine too!


I wish I bought more; this product smells like heaven! Did I notice a change in my hair quality? not much but that's mostly why I wish I have bought more. The texture is rich, it feels good on the hair and leave it nutrished. Highly recommend it.

Diana B.

My hair is course, fine and processed. After using this mask I noticed an immediate change for the better. Moisturized, strong and shiny hair. My hairstylist ask me to order some for her. It also smells divine!

Would recommend

I color my hair all the time as well as straighten it and just after 3 uses my hair is once again healthy and soft as if I've never damaged my hair! Whenever I use this after shampooing, I skip conditioner since it seems to remove the product from my hair

Makes hair feel very soft and smooth

A someone who has permanently and chemically straightened their hair 6 times, and now uses a straightener at home every morning, this product has helped my hair feel silky smooth. I would not say my hair was really bad to begin with... it was never dried out and I never had split ends, but after my first use, I could see and feel the enormous difference. Unfortunately, when I use it, it makes my hair extremely oily the next day, so I can not use it as much as I would like to.

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