ميديكيوب سيروم أحمر بلس 50 مل


  • تم اختباره سريريًا ليكون مضادًا للحساسية.
  • مناسب للبشرة المعرضة لحب الشباب.
  • يتحكم في إنتاج الزهم للحصول على بشرة نظيفة وصحية.
  • ينظم توازن الزيت والرطوبة في بشرتك.
  • مع البيتا جلوكان والجلسرين والبيتين وبوتيلين جليكول لمنع جفاف الجلد.

كيف تستعمل

  • 1. بعد التنظيف، خذي كمية معتدلة وضعيها على الوجه بالكامل.
  • 2. دلكي بلطف لامتصاص أفضل.


  • المكونات الرئيسية:
  • أوفاليسين، مستخلص الرماد الشائك الياباني، مستخلص الشاي الأخضر


  • العلامة التجارية: ميديكيوب
  • السعة: 50 مل
  • المنطقة المستهدفة: الوجه
  • نوع البشرة: جميع أنواع البشرة
  • الحالة: 100% جديد تمامًا مع الصندوق الأصلي
  • بلد المنشأ: جمهورية كوريا

Citation Image Copyright Statement

All images featured on this website are either sourced from the respective brands' websites, edited by our team, or taken by our photographers. Images sourced from brands' websites are used in accordance with their terms of use and are the property of their respective owners. Edited images undergo significant modifications by our team to suit our platform's requirements. Original images taken by our photographers are the exclusive property of DODO GLOBAL INC. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any images on this website is strictly prohibited. For inquiries regarding image usage or copyright, please contact legal@dodoskin.com

Authenticity Statement

We certify that all products offered for sale on our platform are sourced directly from authorized distributors of genuine Korean beauty brands. Our commitment to authenticity ensures that every product you purchase is guaranteed to be genuine and of the highest quality. For further inquiries regarding product authenticity, please contact us at hi@dodoskin.com.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
TonoyMeli P.
Medicube Red Serum Plus

I love the medicube brand, their products work deeply, they are very effective, I really liked this serum, it helps me with texture and pimples, and it is also suitable for sensitive skin.

Amazing Serum

So light and fresh. This serum is amazing and is perfect for acne-prone skin.

Love this serum

So I bought this serum a while back and I’m still using it. I love the consistency of it (gel like). It absorbs really quickly and leaves the skin feeling clean and hydrate and it’s not sticky like some other serums I’ve tried, would definitely recommend!

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