Aromatica Rosemary Scalp Scrub 165g (22ad)


  • صياغة مع حبيبات غنية بالمعادن من ملح البحر الميت من إسرائيل ، ينظف فروة رأس الروزماري بصيلات الشعر بعمق ويزيل الزهم والنفايات من فروة الرأس.
  • مجمعات المستخلصات العشبية مثل روزماري ، برينجال ، الكزبرة ، أوريجانو ، والريحان ، والتي يتم اشتقاقها مباشرة بواسطة AROMATICA، تساعد في تهدئة وتنقية فروة الرأس مع توفير العناصر الغذائية الأساسية.

كيف تستعمل

  • يوصى باستخدام 2-3 مرات في الأسبوع في استبدال الشامبو أو قبل الشامبو.
  • إذا كان لديك فروة رأس الزيتية وتريد غسل نظافة ، فاستخدم أولاً ، فرك فروة الرأس Rosemary يركز على تدليك فروة الرأس والتطهير.
  • ثم اغسل شعرك مرة أخرى مع الشامبو.


  • أنديس بحيرة ملح ، إكليل الجبل ، BHA ، البروبيوتيك ، الكافيين


  • العلامة التجارية: Aromatica
  • السعة: 165g
  • المنطقة المستهدفة: الشعر
  • نوع الجلد: جميع أنواع البشرة
  • الحالة: 100 ٪ جديد تمامًا مع المربع الأصلي
  • بلد المنشأ: جمهورية كوريا

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All images featured on this website are either sourced from the respective brands' websites, edited by our team, or taken by our photographers. Images sourced from brands' websites are used in accordance with their terms of use and are the property of their respective owners. Edited images undergo significant modifications by our team to suit our platform's requirements. Original images taken by our photographers are the exclusive property of DODO GLOBAL INC. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any images on this website is strictly prohibited. For inquiries regarding image usage or copyright, please contact

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We certify that all products offered for sale on our platform are sourced directly from authorized distributors of genuine Korean beauty brands. Our commitment to authenticity ensures that every product you purchase is guaranteed to be genuine and of the highest quality. For further inquiries regarding product authenticity, please contact us at

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Scalp Scrub

Very fresh and clean feeling on the scalp after using this. I think it’s worth to try, strong smell.


this scrub did clean my scalp and it did feel fresh. made my less oily. the scrubbing feels relieving too

This fixed my itchy scalp

Struggled with itchy scalp. I didn't like the usual drugstore products due to scent & texture. This product was the answer! Wonderful 'wake up' clean scent! Product has quick dissolving granules; granules scrub for a minute or so, then melt away. Scalp feels clean and calm, not just on shampoo day, but for days afterwards. Highly recommended!

So good

I love this sculp scrub, it feels refreshing and clean and I do not need to wash my hair for at least 2 days more then usual.


This new packaging did not please me at first, but today I see that it only made it more practical to use the product. You can apply directly to the scalp, which makes it very easy. Since I started using it, my hair grows healthier and stronger!


I'm in love with this scalp scrub. it is so refreshing and cooling effects are wounders
it calmed my itchy scalp and I notice my hair is less oily I would recommend this a 100%


this scalp scrub has fair effect but the smell is too strong. the volume is too small. i might not repurchase

Hair Scalp Scrub

This scrub is so refreshing and I love the cooling feeling while it’s been massaged to the scalp. I have noticed that my hair is less oily and less dry. I would recommend

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